Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Going from highlights to all over blonde?

My natural hair colour is mousey brown, and I have medium to pale skin. I've always had half head foil highlights in a cool blonde colour to brighten my hair up.

Last year, the stylist I have always used moved abroad, so I started going to a different salon. I wasn't happy with the way they highlighted my hair, and now it looks a mess with all different types of blonde in, and you can see the graduation in my hair where the shades of blonde differ.

I am due to have my hair done, and I was thinking of just getting a permanent light blonde colour on the top half of my head, and leaving my natural mousey colour on the bottm half to keep some variation, and not be full on blonde.

Is it possible to just have half of your head coloured (like highlights), and do you think this is a wise move?

Thanks xxxxGoing from highlights to all over blonde?
It's totally possible... Lots of people have it done, and it's really easy for pro's to do it. (even if you want to do it to yourself, it's easy.... click the first link below for directions) I know you didn't mention this, but definitely don't die it the top blonde, stick to highlights like you said. (%26amp; if you totally hate your natural color on the bottom, you can die that a brown that you like) I used to have my hair dark on bottom and highlights on top %26amp; I loved it. It's practical, easy to maintain, and trendy.... and if you want to gradually get to your whole head being your natural color (something to think about) this is the way to do it! The second link below is a picture of sort-of the look it would be like, but the bottom and even the top color wouldn't be so drastic on your hair probably. So, it's definitely possible to do, and YES I do think it's a very wise move... good luck! :)Going from highlights to all over blonde?
not a wise move. I have natually dishwater blonde hair and had colored it a light blonde and then decided to mink (color the underneath only) it with a dark brown. And I had to get a full bleach foil to get my color to look more uniform again and I will have to go at least once more to make it all look the same color again.

Get some bleach foils through the top, and maybe a few throughthe bottom. But don't color just one section of your hair.
just dye it all.
I've seen some ugly girls with blonde hair on top and underneath its like dark brown and it looks totally gay and like so gross and like so ugly I'm like eww you look so ugly like eww
Well I think the best move would be just to dye it all....and think about it it might make yuor hair look better!! hope this helps!!

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